The cambelt is an integral part of every vehicle’s engine. General wear and tear is the most common cause of problems, especially in older cars with significant mileage. While there are no particular warning signs that a cambelt needs replacing, some signs to look out for can include your engine stopping suddenly and not turning over, or your car not starting accompanied by a clunking noise from the engine.
We recommend four years or 40,000 miles, this is because in our experience the majority of cambelts are the same thickness and we would not want your cambelt to cause more damage to your vehicle that is expensive to repair.
Our team of mobile mechanics use their high level of expertise to inspect your cambelt and determine if it needs replacing. We can also carry out all the necessary work at the best possible rates, with great care and attention to detail to ensure your cambelt, engine and all other components are in proper working order.
Mon - Sat: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Sun: 10:00am to 1:00pm